Prerequisites for Android App Development

 As we already know that Android Applications are built using JAVA or Kotlin. Therefore it is necessary to know any one the programming language.

Although Google announced as Kotlin is an official language for Android apps development. But we recommend that you should start with JAVA, as JAVA is since 2007 is working with Android. Therefore it is much more mature and a lot of help is available on internet for resolving some problem or learning. Moreover large community is also available to help you out there. Moreover JAVA and Kotlin can be used intermixed within an Android Application.

In order to learn  JAVA you can visit our best tutorial

This tutorial is specially made designed for beginner to learn JAVA easily for Android Apps development.

2. Download and install Android Studio. A perfact and official IDE for Android App Development
from official website of android studio at link

Knowing JAVA or Kotlin is pre requisit for Android App Development.

This tutorial for learning Android Apps Development is made easy and divided into two parts.

1. Designing Andorid UI

2. Android Programming

So we first start with our first step.